Some progress has been made since publishing my previous episode about Something New. Things are starting to take shape just in time to see our days getting longer. Spring is starting to creep it’s way around the corner.
In the original post I published regarding feedback there were proposed sets of colours for you to view and choose between. Since then there has been a lengthy amount of time spent on colour sampling… and every proposed colour option had to be revised.
When planning any print there are key details that I prioritise. Colour (as you would likely have guessed 😉) is at the top of that list. As much as I liked the original proposed colour sets.. they did not sing when put to fabric. They fell flat and the detail was lost due to not enough contrast. After spending several weeks brooding over the original samples it became obvious that changing every proposed colour set was necessary.
From all of the colour sampling done on each of the fabrics, I chose the most vibrant combinations which amplified when printed. Needless to say I am very excited about the colours which this process has achieved. Images simply do not do them justice.
Over the next week or so I will be going through the process of making the first sample from one of the new sample colour fabrics. Really looking forward to working through this process. Once everything is all tickety-boo production for the spring drop will be under way. 🌸
Other News 👉 This month there is a Giveaway up for grabs featuring our amazing Performance Knee Socks. If you have already subscribed.. and follow either Instagram or Facebook you will automatically be in the draw. The winner will be announced via email. This giveaway closes on the 29th August. Make sure you check it out